Thursday, August 16, 2012

     It's been a long time since I've written last. Things get crazy around here.
     Jade just turned 3 and the twins are almost 5 months old! It seems like a lifetime ago I was laying on that hospital bed, barely able to move for 5 days.
     Catherine can now roll onto her tummy and Emery can roll from her tummy to her back.  They both still have trouble lifting up their huge noggins.  They are such happy babies though and I can't help but smile every time I see them.
     Their little spirits are really what help me keep going sometimes.

     Sometimes life just hits you with everything it has all at once and you just have to sit back and take the punches. Carlen (my husband) lost his job about 7 weeks ago. It was a couple months after we moved into a new house.  Then right after that all my girls got sick and have been getting sick consistently ever four weeks so I can't even leave the house.  Jade somehow is the carrier of sickness and brings it into the house on a regular basis.  She currently has been sick for 2 weeks now and luckily the babies are mostly over it.  But between trying to potty train a three year old who doesn't really care to learn about potty training and getting up in the night and taking care of boogers and poop and spit up all the time, and dealing with toddler defiance and tantrums, and trying to keep the house clean and having no money, I just want to explode or hide or something.  Carlen is working 2 temporary jobs right now. One of which he works graveyards. When he gets home he sleeps for as long as he can and then gets up to go to his other job and so on.  So not having any help is really tough.  Also not seeing my husband ever gets depressing.
     But before this all sounds like a big complain fest let me say I am so blessed to have 3 beautiful healthy daughters and and a nice home to live in. I have to focus on the positive or else it become a downward spiral of negative thoughts which I have done from time to time.  Let me tell you, that only leads to eating more treats and crying and having no energy.  I know that this is just one of those times in my life where things are really hard and I just have to grit my teeth and push through.  When you have these 3 angels looking up to you, you have a  responsibility to be happy.
     Even as I'm writing this post I'm trying to hold and comfort a grumpy baby and keep Jade away from her because she is coughing on everything, oh and yep she just spilled about 100 colored pencils all over the floor and she is throwing them now.  But hey, I'm a mom, and being a mom is the hardest job on the planet, but it is also the most rewarding one.

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